domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Lo mas difícil es esperar...! Y creer que sucedería así...!

Lo mas difícil es esperar...! Y creer que sucedería así...!

Cuando un agricultor siembra una semilla, antes hay que preparar la tierra, escoger la semilla, esperar la mejor época de siembra; Sembrar, abonar, regar la tierra,  y esperar, mientras tanto dentro de la semilla, inicia un proceso maravilloso, la germinación, las primeras raíces  y la semilla se convierte en una plántula  y aun no ha solido de la tierra, es en este momento que aparentemente no sucede nada y el agricultor sigue cuidando la tierra regando y con la plena fe que su siembra crecerá  hasta que la plántula  emerge de la tierra, nuestro agricultor sigue dándole cuidados, hasta que los tallos se hacen mas visibles y se fortalecen con el paso de los días  hasta así crecer frondosamenta, y llegar al punto de la cosecha. Así nuestra fe y nuestra esperanza es esa semilla, que aunque nosotros que aparentemente en la superficie no sucede nada esa semilla que hoy llamaremos fe esta germinando y si desfayecemos es como si nuestro agricultor dejara de cuidarla regándola cada día la plántula moriría, así es nuestra fe. Aunque aun no veamos el fruto sigamos teniendo fe y hasta que seamos unos verdaderos atletas de la Fe.
La Biblia nos habla mucho sobre el esperar...

Salmos 22:4
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
4 En ti esperaron nuestros padres;
Esperaron, y tú los libraste.

GENESIS Génesis 49:18
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
18 Tu salvación esperé, oh Jehová.

Job 13:15
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
15 He aquí, aunque él me matare, en él esperaré;
No obstante, defenderé delante de él mis caminos,

Hebreos 11:1
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
La fe
11  Es, pues, la fe la certeza de lo que se espera, la convicción de lo que no se ve.

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Amonestación de no olvidar a Dios Deuteronomio 8:11

Amonestación de no olvidar a Dios

11 Cuídate de no olvidarte de Jehová tu Dios, para cumplir sus mandamientos, sus decretos y sus estatutos que yo te ordeno hoy;
12 no suceda que comas y te sacies, y edifiques buenas casas en que habites,
13 y tus vacas y tus ovejas se aumenten, y la plata y el oro se te multipliquen, y todo lo que tuvieres se aumente;
14 y se enorgullezca tu corazón, y te olvides de Jehová tu Dios, que te sacó de tierra de Egipto, de casa de servidumbre;

Pero pida con fe... Santiago 1:6

Santiago 1:6

Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

Pero pida con fe, no dudando nada; porque el que duda es semejante a la onda del mar, que es arrastrada por el viento y echada de una parte a otra.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

verichip obligatorio en Estados Unidos PRUEBAS QUE ES LA MARCA DE LA BESTIA

Sismo en Guatemala... ORAMOS POR GUATEMALA

Oramos por Guatemala, enviamos nuestra solidaridad y amor a toda Guatemala.

El Presidente de Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina, aseguró que suman 48 el número de fallecidos en su reporte más reciente sobre el sismo de 7.2 que sacudió al país.
El mandatario guatemalteco precisó que aún existen 23 desaparecidos y más de 200 personas heridas. El sismo es el más fuerte desde el devastador terremoto del 4 de febrero de 1976 causó la muerte de 25 mil personas y dejó pérdidas millonarias en el país centroamericano.

El director del Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología (Insivumeh), Eddy Sánchez, aseguró que el temblor de este miércoles ha sido el más fuerte desde el ocurrido hace 36 años, que tuvo una magnitud de 7.5 en la escala abierta de Richter.

Aquel sismo duró 49 segundos y fue provocado por la falla del Motagua, que atraviesa el 80% del territorio guatemalteco, y su alto nivel de destrucción ha sido atribuido a que activó otras fallas secundarias, como la de Mixco, situada en una zona poblada en el noroeste de la capital.

El terremoto de este miércoles generó pánico entre los habitantes de Guatemala, sin embargo, todas las víctimas mortales tras el sismo han sido del departamento de San Marcos, que según las autoridades ha sido el más afectado
Pérez Molina, ha alertado que la cifra de fallecidos podría aumentar.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

666, Verichip and the Mark of the Beast

Look around, the Mark of the Beast is everywhere. It appears in the media frequently and is being watched in the nasdaq. Not only is it under the watchful eye of the discerning Christian [1], but it's also being scoped by the privacy advocate [2][3] and businessman alike [4]. It's even become a fashion statement* [5].

How can I boast such claims? Simple. Radio frequency identification (RFID) implants are currently the prime candidate for this beastly technology. These tiny wonders are already being implanted in the body to be used as a form of payment [6].

* "Beautiful club-goers have a problem: If you're going to wear a halter top and micro-skirt, there's not much of anywhere to put a wallet. And who wants to carry a purse when you're there to dance? Luckily, a company called VeriChip this year unveiled a solution based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. It's a slender glass capsule ... a computer chip, which stores a unique code that can identify an individual — sort of an electronic Social Security number." Get chipped, then charge without plastic -- you are the card

Verichips are implanted in the upper arm of patrons at the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain. Along with the Baja Beach Club is The Rotterdam Beach Club in the Netherlands, and the Bar Soba in Glasgow, Scotland, all who have successfully introduced the Verichip microchip implant as a form of payment.
Even with the growing evidence in support of a microchip implant, many Christians still choose to ignore the clear warnings around us. The Mark of the Beast is almost here.

More about RFID implants and the Verichip

in this series:

Verichip and the Mark of the Beast
666 - Epi, Charagma, and Chi-Xi-Stigma
Mark of the Beast in the Hand or Forehead?
Gold, Money and The Mark of the Beast 666
The Mark of the Beast as a Spiritual Symbol
Biblical References to a Physical Mark
There's just too much evidence to discard the possibility that the Mark of the Beast is a subdermal microchip implant, namely the Verichip implant. In fact, the language in Revelation strongly supports such an idea. We'll explore Revelation in the next few sections, but first let's take a closer look at the Verichip.

RFID, which stands for Radio Frequency IDentification, is currently making leaps and bounds as a replacement for the common barcode. RFID is also being hyped as the next big thing in personal identification. There are two types of RFID microchips (a.k.a. tags or transponders) in development, passive and active.

The barcode replacements and current versions of the Verichip implant are passive transponders. A passive transponder requires an outside source of energy to activate. A burst of energy within a close distance (usually a few inches) charges the microchip enough to respond with whatever information is stored on it. In the case of the Verichip, that information is a 16 digit identification number which is then cross referenced against a database for unlimited amounts of information.

In contrast, active RFID tags have their own power supply and require no outside energy to broadcast their information. Because this type of microchip will soon be implanted in the body, an internal renewable power supply is a must. This is a major challenge and is also big business.

Commercial devices are coming to market which will be surgically implanted and require some sort of power supply. This is nothing new, consider the pacemaker. The big difference though is that a pacemaker runs on batteries, and batteries need to be replaced. Replacement requires another costly operation, which inherently involves risk. The point of an internal renewable power supply is that the batteries will never have to be replaced.

There is already existing technology that provides a means of creating an electrical current through the process of temperature change. The Mark of the Beast is said to be in the hand or forehead and it's no surprise that these are prime areas for hot and cold changes.

Thermo Life [7][8], owned by Applied Digital Solutions through it's purchase of eXI Wireless, is a technology that converts temperature change into electricity. Consider the following:

"This next-generation Thermo Life™ is a direct result of VeriChip Corp's acquisition of eXI Wireless. Knowing that the acquisition was in the process, our research and development personnel aimed to improve the Thermo Life™ product to provide a potential power source for an active RFID tag for People." Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of Applied Digital
Thermo Life is a permanent power supply that operates off temperature fluctuations in the human body. One of the main advantages of a powered (active) RFID implant is to allow for tracking. In fact, Applied Digital Solutions is currently hard at work incorporating GPS into their Verichip for the allowance of global tracking [9]. Thermo Life will likely power these devices. The name alone is reminiscent of eternal hell fire, exactly what partakers of the Mark of the Beast can look forward to.

Applied Digital Solutions has already been successful in marketing and developing external devices that track people at small and large scales. Their Hugs and HALO products track newborns while in the hospital. RoamAlert and WatchMate are external devices used for security or "Wander Prevention."

Verichip Corp's implantable products include VeriMed, VeriGuard, [10] and VeriPay. RoamAlert also comes in an implantable version. Verichip Corp recently pulled all references to their VeriPay product [11]. They have been known to remove specific references to their products only to have them resurface when the time is right [12].

Not long ago their VeriKid [13] product tracked children in urban environments, but they have also since pulled this product, likely until the market is able to accept it more readily. It was easy to see the similarities between VeriKid and the Mark of the Beast.

The tracking doesn't stop at geographic location either. Heart rate, breathing, temperature, sleep, and consciousness can all be monitored from any remote location [14]. All of this is already being used in real world applications.

Why Verichip Corp?

Why Applied Digital Solutions, why Verichip Corp, why not some other company or device? Because Applied Digital Solutions holds the patent to "A transceiver device implantable in a human body comprising: a triggerable radio frequency transmitter, a power source for powering said transmitter, triggering means for activating said transmitter, receiver means allowing the detection of an externally generated information signal,..." [15]

That covers the complete operation of the RFID microchip and the device to read its signal. No company can legally step in and manufacture a similar device. And the patent is absolutely correct when it states that "The device meets the growing demand for a new level of safety and peace of mind." This device is here to stay.

The first people to receive the Verichip in large numbers will be those who society feels need a watchful eye; children, the elderly, immigrants, prisoners and paroled criminals are all likely candidates, and the list goes on. Police officers and gun owners could also be some of the first to accept the implant. A microchip in the hand and another in the gun would allow only the owner to fire the weapon, thereby reducing accidental death and increasing safety [16][17].

Verichip Corp is already marketing to a diverse range of individuals. The microchip implant seems ready to go, so what's left before mass adoption? Active RFID, GPS, and security are all likely to be rolled into future generations of the chip. Security is probably the biggest factor since the current generation of the Verichip has already proven to be insecure [18][19]. And there's no room for error when finances and identification are at stake.

Expect to see large scale applications in animal "chipping", both in pets and livestock. These are perfect pilot programs to test and refine a system that will be used on the populace. Criminals will follow since they have no choice in the matter, and children will come next as the fears of parents are increasingly preyed upon. All the while a restless and rebellious segment of the general population will be getting "chipped" because they think it's cool [20].